I saw the best statement today (I can’t even remember where I saw it)
It said “Work beats worry, Action beats anxiety”
That statement is something I have told myself
And my Warrior Women (more information about that program by emailing me here)
It is in fact, although very simply stated, the way I have chosen to live my life
If we look at all the memes etc we see they are often very simply stated
We may even look at them sometimes and say “as if it were that easy”
It isn’t ever as easy as that, but often those statements mean so much more
Like the one I saw
Let’s break it down a little – first “Work beats Worry”
I can not express how true this one is for me
When I am worried about something
I choose to not allow that to become a time drain OR an energy drain
I get busy about it
If I am worried about it, sitting around worrying is NOT going to make it go away
Best medicine? Action
I do what I can do…change what I can change
Then I know that I have now done all I can about it and the worry starts to disappear
It takes some practice but it’s pretty hard to worry when you are getting about dealing with things 😉
Second part – “Action beats Anxiety”
Now, to be clear, I know many people are suffering from clinical anxiety
I am in no way downplaying the seriousness of that
I have very personal experience with it in my closest family
Don’t think I am honouring the simplicity of the statement and removing from the depth that can reach
I can see how it translates however. because sometimes that action referred to here, is seeking help from professionals
We are such great story tellers
Especially to ourselves
We justify and excuse
Using our amazing imaginations, we are really powerful storytellers
We need to start taking action and watch those stories crumble
In the same way as we can’t worry when we are working on things
It can be hard to hold on to anxiety when we are actively, intentionally, stubbornly taking action
Tell me, what work or action will you take this week
Big or small
That will reframe that mindset you have maybe been holding onto a little to tight?