You have brains in your head
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose!
-Dr. Suess
If you read that and read it again
It seems so simple
And the idea of it is simple
Sometimes when we are in the deepest of our own hard times
We almost get angry when we read something that seems to simple
We yell inside our own heads (or out loud!) “it is just not that easy!”
That is true…then again it isn’t
The truth is that the idea that you can steer yourself is absolutely true
The challenge is in believing it
It is so much easier to blame others or things
Even easier to complain about it
So what do we do?
Take the first step – start with one, then take another
One foot in front of the other
Step one – recognize that “you can steer yourself in any direction you choose”
Step two – make a list of things you are currently doing that steer you that way
Step three – make a list of things you are currently doing that do not steer you that way
This is your beginning
We must all start at the beginning
Want some help? Message me here